
Contact4Impact will help you:

  • See where you live, learn, work or play as your mission field.

  • Join Jesus in mission by living a PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE lifestyle.

  • Invite others from your circle of influence to join you in this mission.


Jesus asked, “What is the Kingdom of God like? It is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough” (Luke 13:20-21 NLT).

Yeast is a simple organism with a simple purpose: to cause dough to rise. But yeast can’t fulfill its purpose if it stays in the packet. It first has to be mixed into the dough. But once it’s mixed in, even a small amount, makes a big difference.


Where there’s no contact, there’s no impact. That’s why the purpose of Contact4Impact is to motivate and mobilize you to get mixed into your workplace, school environment, neighborhood or even just your own family to make a difference for Jesus. Our goal is to help you work your way into your “loaf of bread” as a carrier of God’s Kingdom to help others find and follow the King.

Jesus’ strategy is to get a whole lot of little versions of him infiltrating every nook and cranny of society by reproducing himself in and through his people. In short, his aim is to fill the world with lots of “little Jesuses”—an active Christlike presence in every neighborhood and sphere of life. This is the Conspiracy of Little Jesus.

The Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch

Every believer is given a distinct circle of influence made up of the places they live, learn, work, and play. It is in these locations that believers are to own the lostness of those around them and see to it that they take personal responsibility for ensuring that every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Gospel Saturation Primer by Christ Together

No Contact—No Impact!


1 Is the Loneliest Number

It takes COURAGE to impact your circle of influence or natural network for Jesus. And one reason why our witness for Jesus is often so weak is because we try to go at it alone. Who hasn’t gotten dis-COURAGED by trying to be a sole witness?

2 Are Better Than 1

All of that can change, however, by simply following Jesus’ strategy of partnering 2 of His followers together.

Calling the Twelve to him, Jesus began to send them out two by two (Mark 6:7 NIV).

Jesus knew that 2 can in-COURAGE each other to make contact and so impact those around them.

Team Up

So find another Christ follower in your office or factory, your school or sports team, your apartment complex or neighborhood to join you in sharing the love of Jesus. The idea isn’t to stay at 2 people but to start with 2 people. Hopefully, your team will grow from there.



A Contact4Impact Team Joins Jesus in mission to their circle of influence by pursuing these 4 priorities: PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE.

Prayer > Care > Share > DARE!

Are you ready to start a Contact4Impact Team? Not so sure yet? Let me double dog dare ya to step out in faith and start a team in your natural network.


How to start a Contact4Impact Team

1. Pray

Ask God if He is calling you to start a Contact4Impact Team. Ask God who could join you on the team.

2. Invite

Invite them to join you. Ask them to visit Contact4Impact.com to learn about Contact4Impact Teams and PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE living. Then give them some time to think and pray about joining you.

3. Register

It would be helpful if you registered your team. That way, Contact4Impact can pray for you and your team and occasionally send you some equipping resources. Join our Facebook family too.

4. Huddle

Meet physically or virtually, weekly or even daily to Report & Support and Pray & Plan.

  • Report & Support

    • How’s living a PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE life going for you?

    • What’s happening? (Celebrate successes / work through frustrations)

    • What have you learned?

  • Pray & Plan

    • Pray for each other

    • Pray for your circle of influence

    • Plan next steps for living a PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE life as individuals and as a team

You may want to select a host or a facilitator to make sure your huddles stay on track and on time.

Regularly get together to get the next play and get back in the game of living a PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE life.


I’ve Got Your Back!

My name is Karl House. I have planted churches near Toronto and Tampa. I’m now back home in Grand Rapids, Michigan planting The Way MicroChurches—a growing family of simple churches in Grand Rapids and beyond.

I’m here to support you as you explore and begin your Contact4Impact Team and live a PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE lifestyle. You can reach me at (616) 287-3722 or ForContact4Impact@gmail.com.

Dive Deeper

For a deeper dive into living a PRAYER > CARE > SHARE > DARE life, check out our training resource called HARVEST - Discovery Bible Study. This is a great resource for your Contact4Impact Team to work through together.

 Contact4Impact is pleased to partner with these churches, ministries and organizations: